We work for victory!
The general state of the pharmaceutical market under war.
In a state of war, it is critical to ensure the proper and continuous functioning of the business entities involved in the production of medicines. Thanks to the maximum cohesion of Ukrainians, volunteer organizations and eterprises, continuous work has been established. The State Medical Service reports: “Currently there is no threat of a shortage of medicines”. There are difficulties in delivering to regions where active hostilities are taking place, but the transportation of humanitarian convoys to these places is controlled.
There is some excitement about some types of drugs, but this increases the number of supplies. Accordingly, the company independently manages the issues of logistics and order service. Astrapharm’s production works in an enhanced mode according to needs. The main forces are designed to provide the population and the state with everything they need. The production of painkillers, sedatives, antibacterials and cardiovascular drugs has increased.